4u2 - For you too - Roland Brunner

Programm EN.CPS Workshop 2001: Public-Private Dialogue

Friday, May 4, 2001

14.00 h           Arrival of participants

14.30 h           Welcome and opening. Get to know eachother. Moderation: Janne Poort – van Eeden, Roland Brunner

15.00 h           Towards Public-Private Dialogue: Institution and capacity building – Best practice?

Country reports by the participants from all over Europe:


What has been done, what is being done, what is to be done in every single country?


Activities by NGO-and by State actors – provide an overview and an outlook.


Experiences, problems, best practice?

16.30 h           coffee break

16.45 h            Towards Public-Private Dialogue: European Initiatives – Brussels report

 Reporting on the contacts and the networking on EU-level

17.15 h           Towards Public-Private Dialogue: The Swiss Initiatives on State and NGO level


Swiss Center for Peace Promotion from State and NGO perspectives


A voluntary Civil Peace Service as amendment in the constitution

Guests invited:


Peter Reinhardt, Foreign Ministry of the Swiss Federation / Political Devision IV (Peace Promotion)


Laurent G๖tschel, executive director Swiss. Peace-Foundation SFS


Gert van Dok, Caritas Switzerland


Renate Schoch, representatives of the Swiss coalition for Civil Peace Service IG ZFD

19 h                 dinner

20.00 h             Evening session :  Videoreports and documents?


Saturday, May 5, 2001

8.00 h              Breakfast

9.00 h              Towards Public-Private Dialogue: Education and Training – Best practice?

                        An active approach towards education and training. Cross-cultur communication in praxis


What has been done, what is being done, what is to be done in every single country?


Activities by NGO-and by State actors – provide an overview and an outlook.


Experiences, problems, best practice?

12.30 h                       Lunch

14.30 h            Towards Public-Private Dialogue: Realisation and Implementation – Best practice?


What has been done, what is being done, what is to be done in every single country?


Activities by NGO-and by State actors – provide an overview and an outlook.


Experiences, problems, best practice?


Towards a common project: CPS Europe?

16.30 h                       coffee break

17.00 h             Towards Public-Private Dialogue: Realisation and Implementation: Codes of conduct     

18.30 h              Dinner

19.30 h             Towards Public-Private Dialogue: The Brussels process

                          Guest speaker from Brussels invited


Sunday, May 6, 2001

8.00 h              Breakfast

9.15 h              Towards Public-Private Dialogue: Further co-operation within the EN.CPS

                        Further EU-contacts

                        Mutual support

                        Arrangements and appointments

Common project?

                        Representation/participation elsewhere

                        Next meetings

12.30 h         Lunch

End of the Workshop



We warmly invite all participants and organisations, to prepare for the annual EN.CPS-workshop by

bulletThinking about the topics of the workshop: Public-Private Dialogue
bulletCollecting and documenting activities by NGO- and by State actors
bulletProviding a one page fact sheet, giving an overview over the following questions:

1.       What has been done,

2.       what is being done,

3.       what is to be done in every single country by

a)      NGOs

b)      State structures

c)      Private-Public Partnership


-          Institution and capacity building

-          Education and training

-          Implementation and realisation (projects)

How would you evaluate what has been done so far?

What would you consider best practice of your country?

To facilitate your preparation, we provide you a crosstable form you can fill in and bring with you.



4your questions and contacts: rbr(at)4u2.ch