4u2 - For you too - Roland Brunner |
Human Rights Information and Documentation CenterThe Independent Society "Human Rights in Georgia"
Quarterly ReportSince October 2000 project implementation had begun which implies creation of two public libraries in conflict zones in Gori and Zugdidi(Project "For Peace in the South Caucasus"). Gori is situated in Eastern Georgia near Georgian-Osetian conflict area and Zugdidi in Western Georgia near Georgian-Abkhazian conflict area. Libraries contain materials on conflict resolution and conflict prevention. Taking into consideration the fact, that this kind of literature is scanty libraries will really serve the purpose. The program is supported by the United States Institute of Peace. On the 17-21 January 2001 in
Likani, Georgia had been held seminar for NGOs of South Caucasus countries.
Special attention had been given to the issues of alternative means of conflict
resolution, issues of mediation and so on... During the seminar several
organizations expressed their will on creating joint network of Civil Peace
Services in the region and launching co-ordinated activities. Has to be
mentioned, that several NGOs represented conflict zones, for example
Nagorni-Karabakh and South Osetia. Had been decided, that this kind of seminars
will be held on regular basis. It's planned, within possibility, to invite NGOs
from Abkhazia. Since December activities had
been undertaken on creation of magazine dedicated to conflict prevention and
resolution. In near future pilot magazine issue will be published which contains
materials on problems and issues in the field. We gladly receive the articles
for magazine and will co-operate with authors, also it's possible the
involvement of 2 or 3 western European specialists in the activities of
magazine's advisors council. In case of interest please feel free to contact us. Organization held several
lessons at the secondary schools in Tbilisi. Videos had been shown. Lessons
referred to issues of conflict resolution, human rights and peace education. It
was a pilot project and now fundraising activities are taken to continue the
program. We have participated in several
seminars, among them in seminar organized by UN Association and International
Committee of Red Cross. Organization also continue program of free legal aid to
IDPs and refugees also creation of database in the field, etc. Project beneficiaries are IDPs from Abkhazia and South Ossetia. |
4your questions and contacts: rbr(at)4u2.ch |