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Thought you would be interested in this new web site NONVIOLENCE WORKS! It
should be a auseful resource for people around the world who are interested in
looking for alternatives to violence and war and in exploring the power and
effectiveness of nonviolence. The Nonviolence Works site. Please share it with
your networks. ( www.nonviolenceworks.net
) is back up and ready to get things rolling once again. Sorry for the
down time. We have a new bookshop with lots of great books on nonviolence (links
or phone numbers to places where you can order them!) that I am really excited
Yesterday evening, I gave a presentation on "What is the relevance of
nonviolence in a post-9/11 world?" and I've made the entire
presentation available in both text and Acrobat formats. One hope is that folks
will take this presentation and start making it in their own communities. We,
who understand and desire nonviolence need to let everyone know there is an
alternative to militarism. People, I think, are looking for alternatives. We
have one - nonviolence - and most people know nothing about it.
We have five new articles in the web zine. In From the Frontlines, After
Genoa: Why We Need to Stay in the Streets, by nonviolent activist/trainer
Starhawk, about the protests in Genoa and what will follow; In the Community features
Paula Green director of the Karuna Center for Peacebuilding in Massachusetts and
co-director of the Programs in Conflict Transformation at the School for
International Training in Vermont, about a conflict transformation and
peacebuilding gathering which took place in Hebron between Palestinians and
Israelis last year; in Recollections, we have The First
Nonviolent Army, which features excerpts from A Man to Match His
Mountains - Badshah Khan, Nonviolent Soldier of Islam, a very timely history
lesson about the "Frontier Gandhi and what he can teach us about our
current crisis; in Education, we have The Story of Global
Nonviolence: Now It Can Be Told, by Michael True, about his efforts to
begin telling the story about nonviolence, and he has provided a syllabus for a
summer course he teaches on nonviolence at Columbia University; and in
Perspectives, we have Lessons from Gandhi:
On the Power of Nonviolence, which is a sermon I gave at the local
Unitarian Church here in San Jose on the day we began bombing Afghanistan.
And be sure to go to the Community Forum under the Get Involved
section. Ask questions, share information and opinions and get involved with our
discussion topic for this week: Is nonviolence possible after 9/11?
I think you already know what I think. I'm looking forward to hearing your ideas
and comments!
The link to the sites homepage is below. If you are not interested in being on
this mailing list, just let me know and I'll take you off.
It is crucial that all of us start speaking out for nonviolence in every
place we can.
Patrick O'Connell
The Nonviolence Works Project
Our purpose: To popularize and promote
the power of nonviolence!
phone: (408) 264-4277
email: patoc@pacbell.net
NONVIOLENCE WORKS! www.nonviolenceworks.net