4u2 - For you too - Roland Brunner

Nach oben

European Network for Civil Peace Services EN.CPS

Project information for international Cooperation

Do you have a project of offer for cooperation?

a)      Name of the project:
KIDS – Volunteers Project Vushtrri/Vucitrn, Kosov@

b)      Run by (organisation with address and contact person):
Swiss Coalition for Civil Peace Services IG-ZFD
Operativ Responsibility at Service Civil International SCI, Swiss branch
Christa Luginbuhl, SCI Switzerland, Monbijoustrasse 32, PO Box 7855, 3001 Bern, Tel: ++41.31.381.46.20 Fax:++41.31.381.46.25,

c)      Based in (conflict/crisis area the project is working):
Vushtrri/Vucitrn, small town between Prishtina and Mitrovica in northern Kosov@

d)      Project definition (field of work):
Community based Youth and children program and activities, Internet-Café.

e)      Short project description:
The project started after a one year preparations by mid April 2001. At the moment the first team of volunteers is still in the field. Volunteers are deployed on a min. 3 months basis. The first team was to set up the project in the field and to define the specific frame if this project. In the meantime the organisation is registered in the town and some first activities have started. With more then 6000 children in school age in this town and almost no youth activities at all, the most difficult task was to find a good way of starting the program without being overrun by demands. Thanks to very good local support the project found the best start possible and is now looking for developing the activities. Weekly information and background you may find at the projects website www.4u2.ch

f)        International cooperation offered (what could other organisations bring in?):

l   volunteers YES

l   finances: YES

l   training: YES

m  expertise: NO

m  other:

 Do you have support you could provide for existing projects? NO

How to contact you?

Name of the organisation: GSoA

Name of the contact person: Roland Brunner

Address:PO Box, CH-8031 Zurich

E-Mail: rbr@4u2.ch

Tel.: +41/1/272 46 37



4your questions and contacts: rbr(at)4u2.ch